Recycling Reports

At no cost, CWS will provide a customized Recycling Report detailing your project activity. The report can be generated monthly, quarterly, or for the entire project.

The CWS Recycling Report is recognized by all local Los Angeles County and Orange County municipalities and is in full compliance with all individual municipal recycling mandates.

The CWS Recycling Report is recognized by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) and its L.E.E.D. (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) sustainability program. CWS is an expert in L.E.E.D. and you can be assured your project will achieve its recycling goals.

The CWS Recycling Report is an audited document based on service activity for a particular project location and for a specific period of time. However, the rate used for the diversion percentage is generated from the overall CWS C&D facility recycling rate as specified by California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) guidelines.

Official CIWMB guidelines for establishing the CWS C&D facility recycling rate follow: The overall incoming mixed C&D waste material volume in a calendar month is divided by the amount of residual waste disposed in a sanitary landfill in the same calendar month. Establishing the facility recycling rate requires CWS to fully audit all incoming and outgoing monthly activity. The audit procedure is completed by the 15th day of the following month, therefore allowing for a Recycling Report to be delivered within days thereafter.

The CWS Recycling Report lists in detail the service date(s), the type of material(s) disposed, the weight of each load, and the overall project recycling percentage. The project recycling percentage is not generated per project, but by using the overall CIWMB monthly facility performance (see paragraph above). The CWS Recycling Report is recognized by the CIWMB, the USGBC (L.E.E.D.) and every municipality in the area.

CWS provides this service free of charge.


CWS provides, free of charge, a customized Recycling Report detailing your project activity. The report can be generated monthly, quarterly, or for the entire project. The CWS Recycling Report is recognized by all local Los Angeles County and Orange County municipalities and is in full compliance with all individual municipal recycling mandates.

Get Your Project Recycling Report


CWS recognizes the importance of municipal compliance with State of California AB939 mandates. This is why, several years ago, CWS voluntarily initiated an outreach program to every municipality that CWS serves, either with our own collection division or by third party individuals and hauling firms utilizing the CWS processing facility for their recycling needs. To our knowledge, no other Certified Processor offers this valuable service.

CWS currently provides a quarterly Recycling Report within 45 days of the end of the previous quarter summarizing all disposal activity generated from a particular municipality. CWS is not obligated by the CIWMB to provide this data, nor any information about the haulers that declared waste originated from a municipality. We offer this complementary service in support of a municipalities ongoing effort to account for all possible diversion credit.

CWS is a valuable partner in achieving AB939 compliance.

Get Your Municipal Recycling Report